About Me

Lori grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area when wildlife of all kinds was still plentiful; she caught bugs and small reptiles, watched massive bird migrations, and most of all learned to care for the bugs and insects around her, watching them grow and transform in the many glass jars on her dresser.  Her first foray into entomology was a 4-H class where she immediately learned to kill bugs and label them, which turned her off to that course of study.  As she reached adulthood, she focused more on the plant world.  While living in Germany, she learned about medicinal plants and their uses.

After moving back to the US and on to Virginia, she continued with her plant studies, expanding that to include learning about the miracle that is soil as well as taking classes on Animal Communication,  Reiki and other energetic healing modalities.  Through research and personal experience, she has developed a unique view of the world around us.  From this perspective, she has taught classes on edible weeds,  which present the plants not just as something to be eaten, but as sentient beings possessing an innate intelligence in their own right such that our interactions with them influence what we receive from them – whether we use them as food, or simply meet them where they grow.

In spending time outdoors and practicing communicating with the various animal species, Lori discovered that she has receives messages from the insects and ‘creepy crawlies’ more easily than from mammals. Through an unexpected encounter with a Grasshopper, she received a call  for help  from these kingdoms.  So she has now come full circle, back to the insects and bugs that she has always loved.
She understands  the sentience and sanctity of all Beings on this Earth and how having the humility to being open to receiving teachings from any of them can be life changing.
As a spiritual entomologist and spiritual ecologist, she sees the amazing, often invisible interconnectedness within the Nature Kingdoms.  The messages  she has received from some of these Beings, and from insects in particular are so simple yet profound that they have completely altered how she views them, the Earth, and her place in the web of life.  It brings her joy to share these insights with others so that together we can heal our relationship with the Insect Kingdom and begin creating the Heaven on Earth that this planet is meant to be.










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