Of Books and Bugs and Believing

When my beautiful friend Rhonda Lee posted on Facebook that she was going to participate in a collaborative book and supplied a sign-up link, my heart knew I had to do it.  Within 2 minutes, with the adrenaline rush still on the upswing in my body, and my brain yelling DANGER WILL ROBINSON! OUTSIDE SAFE ZONE!  I was signed up, and already knew what story I was going to write.  This was going to be so easy.

My first truly public appearance as a spiritual entomologist. 



Writing a short story sounds like such a simple thing, and recalling an event that changed my life in some way was easy – we all likely have many small and at least a few larger events that shifted our paths in life; decisions we made, encounters of various kinds; unexpected events.

In many ways I have allowed my life to happen, simply doing what felt right when it felt right; at other times resisting the pull to make a change when it required getting out of my comfort zone and taking action, and I sometimes needed that proverbial whack over the head to get me moving. At other times it was the chance encounter, or simply being silent and listening that facilitated a revelation of some sort.

The opportunity to contribute to the 365 Life Shifts book was a synchronistic event that seemed so right in the moment, and signing up was so simple….and then…..

Choosing the story was easy – it would be about my encounter with Slug.  Definitely life changing.
Except it didn’t work.

Each story was to be 350 words or less. That story was impossible to relate in such a short space.
So I changed events.

A message from Grasshopper was just the thing, right?  She definitely changed my life.
But the story didn’t flow; it was disjointed and, as my favorite storyteller once said, “The grammar didn’t gel.”

That’s when I realized that this was not about me, or my story. I have had many encounters with various bugs and insects, and all have changed my life or shifted my perception in some way.  What I wanted to say was not the issue; my job was to listen, allow and find out whose message most needed to heard by those who would read the book, then craft the words to best convey that message.

The answer was not at all who I expected, but the ease with which the story went together, and the wonderful help I received in refining it down to the essence of what needed to be said, made it very clear that I had the right story.

So if you do decide to purchase the book, flip to the Animals section….and allow A Tick’s Wisdom to change your perception of why they are here,  just as it changed mine.

Then go on and enjoy the other 364 stories by the lovely and talented people it has been my honor and privilege to work with.

I wish you weeks and months of pleasure as you read your way through 365 Life Shifts.









